Tuesday, November 28, 2017

THE MLOFF - PAGES 181 - 182

I wish I could say that I had a whole whack of finished pages of my MLOFF comic to keep posting here - to keep things fresh on a regular basis. But I don't. Just these two for now. I've got a whack of penciled pages that need some ink lovin', and a whole mess of roughs that need to be tightened up, and also bipolar disorder that I'm taking lithium for. And that is what has slowed down my artistic output, sad to say. I'm not quitting, though... But I am taking things verrrrrrrrrrrry slooooooow. Bear with me. It may be worth it, or it may not. Who's to say.
The Comix Company Store is still in business, although some titles are out of print until I've reached a better financial situation. Every comic you buy helps, though, and I love you for it!


  1. Take your time my friend! This comic is more than worth the wait!!
    See ya when I see ya!!
